

Dr.Neha Dongaonkar

Am a Dr.neha dermatologist i am practicing on vitiligo , psoraisis and other skin problem from last 30 years , i research on the vitiligo and psoraisis skin problems specially and make a purely ayurvedic extracted form Medicine For the those patient who suffres from this situation , also my monthly visit has been scheduled city wise , with my core backend team , your all rights , Images and private data Secured toword us in database systems.

Rate OF Patient Cured
Patient Cured From Vitiligo And Psoraisis Sucessfully 99%
Purely Extracted Ayurvedic Medicine
Patient Cured From Vitiligo And Psoraisis Sucessfully 100%
Satisfied Patients
Patient Cured From Vitiligo And Psoraisis Sucessfully 97%
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